Aston Martin en Bang & Olufsen slaan handen ineen

Redactie | 13 december 2007 | Bang & Olufsen

De Engelse fabrikant van ‘supercars’ Aston Martin gaat samenwerken met het Deense Bang & Olufsen. Beide merken zijn erg verheugd met de samenwerking. Wat de samenwerking precies in zal gaan houden en in welke modellen de Bang & Olufsen producten gaan komen is nog niet bekend gemaakt.  Als er een model op de markt komt zal deze zeker aan een uitgebreide test gaan onderwerpen.

Hieronder het originele persbericht:

(ingezonden mededeling)

Aston Martin and Bang & Olufsen announce creative partnership

Aston Martin and Bang & Olufsen are proud to announce a creative and strategic partnership at the top of the premium sector. Together, Aston Martin and Bang & Olufsen present a partnership of two innovative companies with a proud tradition in technology and design. Both Aston Martin and Bang & Olufsen blend an unrelenting quest for technical excellence with an uncompromising commitment to quality and style. Both have the courage to go far beyond the conventional.

Dr Ulrich Bez, Aston Martin’s Chief Executive Officer, describes the new association between the companies as a landmark collaboration between two market leaders. “Without technological innovation, neither Aston Martin nor Bang & Olufsen would have achieved the reputation they have today as leaders in both design and performance,” he says. “Elegance and excellence go hand in hand, and designers, engineers and specialists in both companies will work closely together to get the benchmark result.”

Bang & Olufsen Chief Executive Officer, Torben Ballegard Sørensen also believes the two companies have much in common, and not just in terms of esteem and ambition. “There are deep similarities between our cultures and heritage. Bang & Olufsen’s values are rooted in passion and performance as well as design and craftsmanship. These are exactly the same values that you experience in an Aston Martin,” he says.

Renowned for so much more than unparalleled performance on road and track, an Aston Martin combines refinement with exhilaration, a key component of which is the sound of the engine, as finely tuned as a musical instrument. This adds another level of sonic complexity, and presents a unique set of acoustic challenges. “We have to create the synthesis between all intriguing senses in a sports car,” Ballegard emphasises.

Both companies appreciate the value of individuality and at Bang & Olufsen, there is a very real human element to every stage of the design and manufacturing processes, from the integral role played by the classically trained tonmeisters to the hand finishing of the products. Aston Martin takes the same approach: all their cars carry the name plate of the engineer who completes the final inspection.